HB Round-Up: Fashion Product Placement


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You Can Never Be Overdressed 

Product placement is the crux of entertainment marketing. When you think of product placement you may imagine Coke cans, Audi cars, etc. But there is one placement that is often overlooked—fashion.

The entertainment industry provides many opportunities for fashion brands to be placed in your favorite TV shows, films, and music videos. Designers can loan their clothing to popular productions for high visibility and give productions an air of luxury. It's a win-win! In this blog, Hollywood Branded recaps some of our blogs featuring fashion and product placement in the entertainment industry. 

HB Round-up Fashion Product Placement

Fashion Brands And Product Placement in Music Videos

In today’s world, where media is exploding, product placement in music videos continues to be a common method of advertising for brands. Unlike advertising that we are used to, product placement in music videos has more of a subliminal influence to consumers through popular culture. And, of course, for well-known artists, there is the price tag which can definitely be expensive.

We all know that if we see a celebrity that we are a fan of associated with a particular brand, we have a higher chance of purchasing that same item to try and be more like them. In music videos, it is the same thing. In this blog, Hollywood Branded explores several successful fashion brand partnerships with artists in music videos.

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Fashion Brands And Product Placement in Music Videos-1

The Top Fashion Brands In TV Series

TV offers brands of all categories a phenomenal launching pad to showcase their products being held by, in a scene with or even dressing the leading actors and actresses on screen.  This practice is typically referred to as Product Placement, and it's one we write about often, as it's a base to build our agency services from.  There are two approaches - either loaning product to a production to help them save on costs of purchasing, or money being paid to a production to create a bigger storyline around the product. 

For fashion brands, many opportunities exist to simply loan product, as their high dollar value means massive savings to TV storylines that require that air of luxury to be shown on screen.  And for years, fashion brands have taken advantage of this opportunity in some of the most popular shows on air. In this blog, Hollywood Branded shares an infographic and research by Winkelstraat on the top fashion brands in TV series.

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The Top Fashion Brands In TV Series-1

How Product Placement Can Work For Fashion Brands

Fashion trends are cyclical; if you look around right now, early aughts styles are back with a vengeance, thanks in part to social media influence and popular TV shows like EuphoriaFilms and TV offer brands of all categories a phenomenal launching pad to showcase their products on the big or silver screen through product placement, and that's no different when it comes to fashion brands. 

For fashion brands, many opportunities exist to simply loan products and gain high payoffs. Recently, I sat down with writer Booth Moore to discuss how fashion brands should treat costume designers as influencers and take advantage of this space. In this blog, Hollywood Branded introduces an article from Women's Wear Daily and shares how product placement is beneficial for fashion brands.

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How Product Placement Can Work For Fashion Brands - 9.12.22-1

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25 Celebrities With Their Own Clothing Lines

Target and Macy's were two of the first stores to create curated collections with celebrities, but today whether in partnership with an established distribution partner or as an entrepreneurial launched line, celebrities are flocking to create their own brands. And it makes perfect sense. Celebrities are their own built-in advertising machines. 
While they may not be willing to really go that extra mile with celebrity endorsement deals, where each tweet or photo shoot needs to be pre-planned and locked in a contract - they often leverage themselves to the max for their own lines.  And their names are so instantly recognizable that fans flock to own what they believe their coveted favorite celebrities designed. In this blog, Hollywood Branded takes a look at 25 celebrities with their own clothing lines through the years.

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25 Celebrities With Their Own Clothing Lines

7 Fast Fashion Partnerships With Pop Culture

"I want it and I want it now!"

We've all heard this notorious line, and it most likely has gone through our own minds from time to time. The need for instant gratification has only grown in the last decade, especially with the rise of Millennials and Gen Z. Whether it be waiting on your favorite Netflix TV show to load, urgently reloading Instagram to reach a certain amount of "likes", or waiting by the door for that delicious pizza to finally show up-we want things...and we want them NOW. 

The fashion world is no different. "Fast fashion" is a term used by fashion retailers to express fashion that moves from the catwalk to stores to meet new trends quickly and at an affordable price. Fashion retailers are partnering with pop culture brands to expand their reach to the audiences of TV Shows, movies, and artists. In this blog, Hollywood Branded shares 7 successful partnerships between fast fashion retailers and pop culture.

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7 Fast Fashion Partnerships With Pop Culture

Want More? 

These are just a small sampling of the many blogs that we have written about fashion in the entertainment industry. Be sure to click the links below to learn more!

Still want to learn more? Check out our video exploring case studies of celebrity endorsement deals to learn all there is to know! 

Celebrity Endorsement Deal Case Studies That Made Sales Happen Video