Hollywood Branded in the Media - Q1 2021


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PR For Hollywood Branded - Q1 2021

As an agency, we (of course) love free publicity. But it is more than that. We love helping educate people on the ins and outs, the overall best practices, and the mistakes to avoid along the way to create awesome pop culture marketing strategies. 

That way, whether the brand marketer works with our team, another agency or does it in-house, we are able to help provide some guidance and make sure success is found. Because quite frankly - it's not the easiest marketing strategy to successfully pull off.  But we also know leveraging pop culture as a marketing tool is one of the best ways you can differentiate your brand, stand out and ultimately that required mecca - drive sales.

In this blog, Hollywood Branded shares some of our top product placement, celebrity and influencer media interviews this year including Business Insider, Content Commerce Insider, Glamour, and Mexico's Merca 2.0.  Let's take a walk down memory lane...

HB In The Media Q1 2021

January 17, 2021 - Business Insider 

Hollywood Has Fed Shia LaBeouf's Long and Violent History of Abuse, Experts Say

Stacy spoke with Zac Ntim about Shia LaBeouf's own personal brand, and how his behavior has impacted his ability to gain A-lister status - or get brand deals. LaBeouf has had a myriad of public and violent misdemeanors, but his career has continued to tick along with success, despite this - but that will likely not continue for long. 

Read the article here.

Press - Hollywood has fed Shia LaBeoufs long and violent history of abuse, experts say

January 27, 2021 - Merca 2.0

Product Placement Problems In James Bond's No Time To Die 

Stacy was quoted by Alejandro Chavez in Mexico's top marketing media publication, Merca 2.0 regarding the growing popularity of home content consumption format providing perfect platforms for brands to reach audiences through product placement. And a side note to this article - our team does not think the title of the article is accurate.  Yes, for brands that wanted to time the release of their product to the film's release for co-branded power, Covid made this last year exceptionally tough and ripe with marketing failure.  However - in the long term, the power of the brand being in the film is something that is still beneficial to a brand - for literally decades to come - despite the timing being a bit awry at release.  With exception to the need for timeliness of the release of a film and the release of a product to create a spot-on co-promotion, the inclusion of a brand as product placement is still valuable and impactful to viewers.

Read the article here.

no time to die - james bond

February 12, 2021 - Content Commerce Insider 

On No-Ads Netflix, “Bling Empire” Shows a Path for Luxury Brands

Stacy spoke with Sadie Bargeron about Netflix's "Bling Empire" and how it opened up brand integration opportunities for many luxury brands on all streaming services, even without paid ad opportunities. 

Read the article here.

On NoAds Netflix Bling Empire Shows a Path for Luxury Brands

March 4, 2021 - Glamour

Do All These Celebrities Need Their Own Makeup Line?

Stacy spoke with Leah Bourne about the massive influx of celebrity makeup and skincare lines and how it's inadvertently a product of the pandemic. 

Read the article here.

Press_ Glamour Celebrities Skin Care

Let Hollywood Branded Help You Up Your Pop Culture Game!

You can check out more interviews with our agency through the years on our press page at this link

While we absolutely love the press interviews we receive, we also create a lot of content through our daily blog and our weekly podcast.  Make sure you sign up to stay up to date with innovative marketing opportunities, and learn how to better leverage the pop culture world! You can sign up for our podcast below.

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