4 Social Media Platforms You Should Use - That Your Brand Probably Isn't


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These Lesser Known Platforms Boost Your Social Media Marketing 

Most brand marketers understand the importance of social media giants such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. However, there are tons of other platforms out there that can help you reach audiences your brand may not be able to target on the major social media networks.

In fact, if you have niche demographics to target, there are quite a few social platforms that speak directly to very specific audiences. In this blog, Hollywood Branded takes a look at 4 social media platforms you should use that most brand marketers may not know about.

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The First Social Platform Your Brand Should Be Using: Reddit

Reddit calls itself "the front page of the internet" - and for good reason. Billions of users all over the world turn to Reddit as their main source of news, entertainment and all around knowledge. And a popular post on the site can spread throughout the internet.

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Photo Credit: Reddit 

Reddit can be tricky, however. Here, more than any other platform, it is vital to be organic. The best way to learn Reddit is to spend some time browsing it and getting a feel for the content, culture and comments.

Posting to Reddit can also be a great way to gain more SEO traction. Popular posts are shared on other places on the internet, and most popular posts end up on other social media sites within a matter of hours. It is a great place to post content and reach a greater audience.

The Second Social Platform Your Brand Should Be Using: Medium

Medium is a popular blogging platform that allows users to share content, recommend blogs and upvote other users' content. 


Photo Credit: Medium 

Blogging can (and should be) a valuable tool for promoting yourself. It gives your brand personality and helps you stay relevant and up-to-date. And using when using Medium, you can start blogging if you're new to it, or repurpose blogs you have already written for your own website's blog.

Because blogs can be sorted by topic and genre, you can also work on hitting niche audiences you may be missing on traditional platforms. And popular or particularly interesting articles are curated and sent to subscribers. There are so many ways Medium can increase both your blog potential as well as brand recognition.

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The Third Social Platform Your Brand Should Be Using: Tumblr

Similar to Pinterest in some ways, but slightly more content driven, Tumblr is a great way for brands to appeal to specific audiences that would be interested in their all-around brand persona. 

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Photo Credit: Tumblr 

Artsy in nature and very community-driven, Tumblr is a fantastic place to post photos, videos, GIFs and short things like recipes, outfit ideas or thoughts. And with 550 million monthly users, it's probably a good idea to jump on board.

The Fourth Social Platform Your Brand Should Be Using: Google+

Google+ didn't seem to make many waves when it first kicked off, having to contend with well-establised social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. And for most people, it's not the first social media platform they turn to when looking at the phone or getting on their computer.

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Photo Credit: Google+

But while its social media aspect may not be what users turn to first, it is important to remember one vital detail - Google is the gatekeeper of the internet. 

Almost every person (aka potential client or consumer) who browses the internet searching for something uses Google to do so. Posting content to Google+ gives a massive boost to your SEO... so, in other words, do it. The great thing about it? You can post content you're already posting on Facebook to Google Plus.   Our agency swears by Google+ for our own SEO and marketing.  It's allowed us to have first page listings throughout the internet on a wide range of relevant topics that we want people to find through their long tail keyword searches.

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The Bottom Line?

What is great about all of these platforms is that they can be incorporated fairly easily into your existing social media marketing strategy. It may seem daunting at first, adding more social media platforms to the many you already manage, but all that content you are creating can be repurposed on these platforms.

Another great thing about these social networks is that you can reach a more specialized, niche audience. On social sites like these, your content is louder - and can be focused to the right people. On top of that, if a user enjoys your brand's content on one of these platforms, they will likely follow you on the big ones.

Need A Boost In Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Are you interested in learning more on how your brand can work with social media influencers? Check out examples of social influencer marketing in our blog post 3 Brands Show How To Market Mobile Apps Using Influencers and download our infographic that provides case studies, rates and strategies for success when creating a social media influencer program.

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