And The Celebrity Gift Bag Goes To... Emmy's & Other Opportunities


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Awards season brings more than just award statues and acclaim for a variety of film actors, actresses, and production personnel - brand-filled gift bags and gifting suites.  Whether deemed 'official' by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences or simply borrowing on the event's name of the award show - swag opportunities for celebrities are at an all-time high this time of year - surpassed only during the January/February Oscar awards season build-up.   

So how does a brand make sure their celebrity gifting opportunity is a winning proposition?  We provide 8 steps a brand manager should keep in mind in this handy infographic.

Celebrity Gift Bag 101

This infographic provides answers to questions commonly asked by brands about celebrity gift bags, which include:

  1. What participation options exist
  2. The screening process
  3. Overcoming hurdles
  4. Types of talent to target
  5. The ideal time to plan
  6. And more!

 Click this link or the image below to see the infographic!


Calendar of Hollywood Event Gifting Opportunities

Are you interested in learning how to get photos of celebrities with your product while also obtaining press?

Download our celebrity event planning calendar to see what event options exist where you can obtain tangible assets that can be shared with consumers, media outlets, and retail distributors to impact your sales.


Celebrity Event Planning Calendar by Hollywood Branded