ChatGPT: Does It Write A Better Article Part 1


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Enabling Your Team To Up Your Writing Game

ChatGPT is the latest and greatest AI language model to hit the market, and let me tell you, it's got people talking. At its most basic level, ChatGPT is a  language model that's been trained to generate human-like responses to text inputs, so you can have conversations with it, or have it write articles, social content, scripts, or anything you can imagine.

Basically, it's like having your own personal AI sidekick. In this blog, Hollywood Branded has a little fun testing how ChatGPT can adapt an article you've already written, to create new content. 

Can ChatGPT Write A Better Blog And Content

Testing AI Technology

I’m all about figuring out ChatGPT right now to better understand how it can help our team better utilize time.  We've paid for a similar AI technology called Jarvis for the last few years for our digital content when we are adapting landing pages or creating summaries for blog posts. This enables our team to have almost a second set of eyes and editorial support. 

I went back in time and grabbed a previously published older blog article I had written as I wanted to see what it would come up with, with the same bullet headed outline as my original article had. It’s not one of my super long-winded writings, so hang in there and take a read.

Now - this example is not going to necessarily be typical of all examples you might write about, as the AI is also pulling a ton of information from our own agency's massive library of online articles we've written - where we have well over a thousand articles posted about pop culture. 

The Original Article

The Brand-Production Connection

Have you ever considered the reasons why productions want to work with brands? Not every brand is the right brand for product placement.  Why?  Well because the brand needs to have something to offer to the production to make it worth their while. And any brand, in almost any category, is capable of making a production absolutely want to work with you.  It just can take some insider knowledge to make it happen. In this blog, Hollywood Branded provides three reasons why productions use product placement.  See if you can spot the theme!

3 Reasons Why Productions Use Product Placement

Productions Want To Save Money: Just like brand marketing departments, productions have budgets! Productions, like anybody, will look for places they can save dollars. Productions enjoy working with brands, especially if they know that they can save money by getting products for free – and then they can come in under budget. This looks great to the financial decision-makers!

Productions Want To Save Time

Every brand exposure on-screen requires legal clearance. Therefore, having a brand willingly provide a product, versus buying the product and still having a production point hunt down the brand for official sign-off, provides them this clearance and saves valuable (and billable) time.


Productions Want To Make Money

When brands pay cash to the production directly, the money may go to offsetting budgets or even allowing the production to create bigger special effects with the dollars going to other resources.  Brands also can help make the production money through assistance in ensuring more eyeballs are exposed to the property’s advertising, and getting more people to the box office - making this a win for productions as it gets more people to pay to watch the content for films, and more people to see the ads of advertising partners for TV. 


The Common Theme

What is the theme here? MONEY!!!  If you can save or provide production companies money through their partnership and use of your product, the production companies are more likely to jump at the chance to work with you!

The New Article

This was the prompt I typed in the text box:
"Write a new version of this article and add examples"

I got this, which wasn't really any different than what I had before. But it DID add in an example for each of the three reasons I had originally listed.  The answers are pretty accurate, although not 100% what I would have typed.  Good enough at least on the first two bullets to make sense.I have push back on the third as it didn't really add in the type of examples I would expect - which would be brands that did a cobranded media campaign to support.

The New Article

The Brand-Production Connection: Have you ever wondered why productions seek out partnerships with brands? Not every brand is suitable for product placement, as the brand must offer something of value to the production. But any brand, in any category, has the potential to make a production want to work with them. The key is understanding the benefits that brands bring to the table. In this article, Hollywood Branded explores three reasons why productions use product placement.

  1. Productions Want To Save Money: Just like brand marketing departments, productions have budgets. And just like anyone else, they look for ways to save money. By working with brands that can provide products for free, productions can come in under budget and impress financial decision-makers. For example, in the film "Iron Man," Stark Industries, Tony Stark's company, provided the high-tech equipment needed for the movie, saving the production money on props and special effects.

  2. Productions Want To Save Time: Every brand exposure on-screen requires legal clearance, a process that can be time-consuming and costly. By having a brand willingly provide a product, the production can save time and money on the clearance process. For instance, in the TV show "The Big Bang Theory," the character Sheldon Cooper is often seen drinking Pepsi, which was provided by the brand as part of a product placement deal, saving the production time and money on clearance.

  3. Productions Want To Make Money: When brands pay cash to the production directly, the money can be used to offset budgets, create bigger special effects, or increase advertising exposure. By working with brands, productions can make more money through increased viewership and box office sales. For example, in the movie "Fast and Furious 7," product placement deals with brands such as Under Armour and Red Bull helped the production make more money and increase advertising exposure.

The Common Theme: The underlying theme in all these reasons is MONEY! If a brand can save or provide production companies money through their partnership and use of the brand's product, the production companies are more likely to work with the brand. By understanding this, brands can take advantage of the benefits that product placement can bring.

A More "Fun" Article... That Became Talk Like A Pirate

You can ask the AI to change the tone of the writing. And I wanted to see what would happen if I did not provide an article for it to tweak, and instead let it go off on its own.  

This is what I asked:

"Using a fun witty tone, write a 1000 word article on the top benefits product placement offers production companies"

And this is the result. It was not 1000 words - but 521 instead, so the numbers didn't work out. And for some reason, it went with a pirate theme as I guess it equated it to 'fun'. Weird. But I will say - it kept that pirate theme consistent throughout!

The New Article

Ahoy there, matey! Welcome to the exciting world of product placement, where everything is a little more product-y and a lot more placement-y!

Product placement is one of the most effective and subtle forms of advertising. It's a technique that involves inserting products or brands into films, TV shows, video games, or any other form of media in a way that doesn't feel intrusive. Instead, it comes across as a natural part of the story.

Think about it. Have you ever seen a character in a movie take a sip from a can of soda and suddenly you're craving one for yourself? That's product placement at work, my friend!

And it's not just a one-way street. Production companies also benefit from product placement in a number of ways. Let's take a look at the top benefits it offers.

  1. Extra cash in the kitty: Product placement is a great way to earn some extra cash. By partnering with brands, production companies can receive a fee for featuring their products in their content. This can be a significant boost to the budget, especially for smaller production companies.

  2. Increased brand awareness: Product placement is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness. By featuring a product in a popular film or TV show, a brand can reach a large and engaged audience. This can lead to increased sales and a boost in brand recognition.

  3. Better product placement opportunities: Product placement can open doors to new and exciting product placement opportunities. By working with a brand on one project, production companies can establish a relationship that can lead to future product placement deals.

  4. More creative freedom: Product placement doesn't have to be limiting. In fact, it can actually provide production companies with more creative freedom. By working with brands, they can come up with unique and innovative ways to integrate products into their content in a way that doesn't feel forced.

  5. Better engagement with audiences: Product placement can increase engagement with audiences. By featuring products that audiences can relate to, production companies can create a deeper connection with their viewers. This can lead to increased loyalty and a more dedicated fanbase.

  6. Increased credibility: Product placement can also increase credibility. By partnering with reputable brands, production companies can convey a sense of trust and reliability to their audiences. This can help to attract new viewers and build a stronger reputation.

  7. A win-win situation: Product placement is a win-win situation for both production companies and brands. Brands benefit from increased brand awareness and exposure, while production companies benefit from the extra cash and creative freedom.

So there you have it, folks! These are just a few of the many benefits product placement offers production companies. From extra cash to increased brand awareness, product placement is a powerful tool that can help to take your content to the next level.

So, next time you're watching your favorite movie or TV show and you see a character chugging down a refreshing bottle of soda, just remember, product placement is at work, making the world a little more product-y and a lot more placement-y!



My feedback: That very last sentence is just weird. But it went for 'cute'. I guess.

Make Social Posts Happen Like Magic

I then typed in "Write 5 social posts that are funny and smart" and copied the above AI written article in below it so it would know what I was asking it to do.  I had left my computer long enough that the ChatGPT crashed and I had to reset it - so it lost the memory of what I had been writing. Normally you just need to write the request and not paste the article in again. 

These were the resulting social posts.  Some of them, not bad. I liked them all except for #1 which seemed a little cheesy.

  1. "Product placement: Where products and media meet in perfect harmony 🎵🎥 #ProductPlacementBenefits"

  2. "Did you know that product placement can be a treasure trove of extra cash for production companies? 💰 #ProductPlacementFinancialGains"

  3. "Product placement is like the quiet ninja of advertising. You don't see it coming, but it's always there! 😎 #ProductPlacementSubtlety"

  4. "Product placement doesn't have to limit creativity. In fact, it can provide production companies with even more creative freedom! 🎨 #ProductPlacementInnovation"

  5. "Product placement is the gift that keeps on giving. Brands benefit from increased exposure, while production companies benefit from extra cash and credibility! 🎁 #ProductPlacementWinWin"

Create A Summary Of Your Article

I copied the original blog into the ChatGPT format field, and hit enter. I had no idea what it would do.

The result?

It created a summary of the post.  Then I re-generated it five times to see what would happen.  

Example One

This blog post outlines the three main reasons why productions use product placement. The main theme is that the use of product placement is largely motivated by financial considerations. Productions want to save money, save time, and make money, and product placement can help achieve these goals. Brands that can offer savings, clearances, or monetary benefits are more likely to be selected by productions for product placement. The post also suggests that the key to successful product placement is to understand the financial motivations of productions and offer benefits that meet those needs.

Example Two

In summary, the three reasons why productions use product placement are:

  • To save money, as using brand products for free can help them stay within their budget.
  • To save time, as legal clearance for brand exposure can be achieved more easily with product placement.
  • To make money, as brands can pay cash to offset budgets, bring in more audience and make the production more profitable.

The common theme underlying all these reasons is MONEY. If a brand can provide financial benefits to productions through product placement, the productions are more likely to be interested in working with the brand.

Example Three

This blog post discusses the reasons why productions choose to work with specific brands for product placement. It explains that productions want to save money, save time, and make money. The theme of the post is that money is the main motivator for productions when it comes to product placement. The post concludes by suggesting that brands can increase their chances of being selected by showing how they can help the production save or make money.

Example Four

This blog provides an overview of the reasons why productions use product placement. It explains that productions want to save money, time, and make money. The theme behind these reasons is money, as productions are more likely to work with brands that can help save or provide money to the production through their partnership. The blog also provides a link to another article on planning a product placement strategy.

Example Five

This blog provides information on why productions use product placement in their content. The main reason is to save or make money. Productions want to save money by getting products for free and coming in under budget. They also want to save time by getting legal clearance for brand exposure on-screen through a willing brand providing a product. Additionally, productions want to make money by receiving cash from brands, which can offset budgets and create bigger special effects. The common theme among all three reasons is money, which is a key factor in the decision-making process for productions when it comes to product placement. The blog also suggests exploring further steps in planning a product placement strategy.

The Result

After 5 tests, it was clear that really there were three variations that stood out from one another, and two format differences - a paragraph versus a bulleted response.

Social Content Galore

This is what I typed into the chat box - along with posting my entire blog again. I think I could have skipped that step of adding in the article again, as it has a memory of what it was writing about before.

"Write twitter posts for this article in a professional yet fun tone:"

ChatGPT Twitter

This was the result. Really cool. We'd tweak the hashtags a bit but otherwise, it's pretty on point.

  1. "Did you know that productions look for ways to save money? By working with brands that can provide products for free, they can come in under budget and impress financial decision-makers! #productplacement #brandpartnerships #Hollywood"

  2. "Time is money! Product placement can save productions valuable time by providing legal clearance and avoiding the hunt for official sign-off. #efficiency #brandpartnerships #Hollywood"

  3. "Money talks! Brands can help productions make money by offsetting budgets, increasing advertising exposure, and bringing in more people to the box office. A win-win for everyone involved! #productplacement #brandpartnerships #Hollywood"

  4. "The common theme in productions using product placement: MONEY! If your brand can save or provide production companies money, they're more likely to work with you. Know the game, play to win! #productplacement #brandpartnerships #Hollywood"

Cool, right? Amazing in fact how AI can work to help you simplify something. You still need to have eyes on what is written to fact-check, and I’m not suggesting you use it to write your entire blog article. However, as an example, it’s great at providing a shortcut to make it much faster and easier to create summaries.

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