So How DO Online Sites And Influencers Make Money?
When we work with brands for social influencer campaigns, the hot topic is of course... money. What does it cost? And that question is not just about the agency fee we charge to research, cultivate and activate that partnerships to ensure success, but rather, the fee that may be paid to the content producer.
Even PR has changed in recent years, with more paid campaigns partnered with content producers to create native and organic coverage of a brand. Why is this? Well... the bygone era of traditional advertising is just that. Gone. And people want - and need - to be paid for their time. In this blog, Hollywood Branded shares insight into exactly how content producers and influencers make money, and why as a brand you should start budgeting for digital content and PR.
So How Does A Content Producer Make Money If You Don't Pay?
That's not to say that free products that are gifted to the writer won't get you anywhere - but it's a shrinking world where content producers with large readership or fan bases are moving away from just free, and into a CPM (cost per thousand) based on readership reach. And we traditionally see a $10 to $15 range on most of these types of paid scenarios. Less if there is really high readership or fans, and waaaaay more if there is a celebrity attached. Like up to double. And it doesn't mean those readers, fans or followers are actually engaging in that content when it comes to Instagram/Facebook/YouTube and the like.
And with video content comes the opportunity for paid product placement, when it is natural to the content being created.
So Now That You Know You Should Probably Start Budgeting For Content Producers...
The next step is making those content partnerships happen! In this downloadable e-book we provide to you the Only Guide to Social Influencer Marketing you will need to read. And when you decide you want some help, we are here to lend a hand.