Hollywood Branded Influencer Marketing Infographic Library Now On Pinterest


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We've Done It!

It's taken some time... and we are very proud to say we have launched our entire Influencer Marketing infographic library on Pinterest!  In the upcoming days, weeks and months more of our content will be added to the already burgeoning amount of blogs and training materials available. Our agency spends a considerable amount of time to create materials to help brand marketers learn to leverage influencers and entertainment content marketing to a higher degree within their own marketing efforts. And we want to share it with you!

In this blog, Hollywood Branded shares with you ALL of our infographics on influencer marketing content now available at the click of your mouse in our Pinterest marketing library, available at https://www.pinterest.com/HollywoodBranded.

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So What Can You Find At Our Pinterest Library?

We have a content library on our website that provides e-Books and Guides... be sure visit!

Product Placement marketing infographics providing insider tips, survey statistics and industry best practices all based on over twenty years of daily practice by our leadership team! Ready to visit? Click the picture below...

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Celebrity and Social Influencer marketing infographics providing insider tips, more survey statistics from brands, their agencies and consumers. Plus industry best practices. Ready to visit? Click the picture below....

Celebrity & Social Influencer Partnership Inforgraphics.png


Our blog, available as a pictorial overview with links directing you to each article on influencers, product placement, content marketing, celebrity endorsements and more! Ready to visit? Click the picture below...

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Detailed infographics on what brands have partnered with some of the biggest movies in the world - and why it worked! Ready to visit? Click the picture below...

Movie Brand Partnerships Infographics.png


Agency animated videos walking you through step by step on ways your brand can best utilize influencer and entertainment content marketing. Ready to visit? Click the picture below...

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Our weekly podcasts from Hollywood Branded's CEO, Stacy Jones, who guides brands on the ins and outs of influencer, celebrity and content partnerships for brands of all sizes.  Ready to visit? Click the picture below...

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And even more!  So check out our Pinterest site, and let us know below if there is something we've missed that you would love to see!

Ready To Learn Even More?

Our agency builds detailed e-Books and guides to help brand marketers learn even more.  Check out or Product Placement and Promotions 101 Guide to learn exactly how your brand can start leveraging 3rd party content to better market your brand!

Product Placement & Co-Promotions 101 Guide