Podcast Episode 16: How To Create Awareness For New Product Launches
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Marketing Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) Podcast Series
Join Stacy Jones on this podcast, the CEO and founder of Los Angeles entertainment agency Hollywood Branded. Learn from her 20 years of experience as she shares top notched advice on marketing best practices for brands and walks you through how to leverage entertainment content and influencer partnerships to increase your brand’s overall consumer engagement and most importantly, your sales.
In this Marketing Mistakes podcast episode, Hollywood Branded's CEO Stacy Jones discussses how to create awareness for new product launches resulting in higher memory of your brand, and shares our infographic on why product placement works better than an ad.
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It Takes How Many Ads?
According to research referenced by many... it takes 7 times for a consumer to see your brand advertised to have them have received enough of an impact to lead to some sort of purchasing behavior. That doesn't mean they are triggered to purchase... but that one day they may be. Yet there is a trick to shortening that number.
That trick? It's Product Placement. Having your brand in a scene with a celebrity creates true star power and drives higher consumer awareness to purchase your brand. As you increase your brand recognition, sales are positively impacted by consumers who want to purchase what their celebrity heroes use and endorse.
So Why Product Placement?
So what's all that chatter about product placement helping to make brands more memorable to consumers?
Well... brands receive greater national and global presence because product placement powerfully impacts numerous markets. Entertainment content you watch lives beyond a single airing.
- Television shows re-air after their first airing usually that same week, or later in the season. And then they are later sold to foreign markets to air again and again and again.
- Feature films are typically released in the US AND throughout the rest of the world around the same time - or within a few weeks. First as a theatrical release, then by SVOD or DVD, cable and TV.
- Music videos get millions of views online - with fans around the world tuning in to YouTube and Vevo and watching. Again and again and again.

The Infographic
Our infographic breaks down this process in more detail - and provides examples of Product Placement success found by brands.
The Marketing Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them) Weekly Podcast
Want to learn more how product placement magic happens, what celebrity event activations exist or ways influencer partnerships help your sales? Visit HollywoodBranded.com to gain access to free content to learn which key tactics best fit your brand.
You’ll find surveys, webinars, daily blogs, e-books and guides, all created to make sure you have access to the best possible marketing practices. Don’t forget to join Stacy Jones for our next podcast conversation about Marketing Mistakes and How To Avoid Them and learn how to start making that entertainment marketing magic happen for your brand!
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