Top Brand Evolutions of 2024... So Far


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Adapting to the Modern Marketing Landscape

As brands continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of consumer preferences and digital innovation, the importance of evolving their strategies to engage and captivate their audience has never been more apparent. Recent marketing campaigns from Pepsi, Welch’s Fruit Snacks, Thomas’ Breakfast, Puttshack, Purely Elizabeth, Honda, Adidas, and Gatorade highlight a common thread: leveraging celebrity endorsements, technological advancements, and creative storytelling to strengthen their brand identity and connect with consumers on a deeper level.

These campaigns illustrate how brands are not only maintaining relevance but also creating deeper connections with their audiences through innovative and engaging strategies. In this article, Hollywood Branded shines a light on the top brand evolutions of 2024, showcasing how these approaches set new benchmarks for creativity and consumer engagement in the marketing world.


Pepsi: a grilling revolution

Pepsi has long been associated with moments of enjoyment, and their latest campaign, “Grills Night Out,” is no exception. Partnering with celebrity chef Bobby Flay, Pepsi positions itself as the perfect complement to grilling, not just on holidays but as an everyday indulgence. Introducing limited-time offerings like Pepsi Lime and Pepsi Peach aims to enhance the grilling experience, with flavors designed to amplify the taste of grilled foods. This campaign cleverly taps into the rising trend of food culture, where social media is flooded with culinary content, making Pepsi a central part of these enjoyable moments.

By emphasizing the idea that grilling can be an everyday activity, Pepsi taps into a growing trend where consumers seek to enjoy simple pleasures more frequently. The use of retro pop tunes in their commercials adds a nostalgic touch, appealing to a broad audience range. Moreover, the inclusion of a Spanish-language spot shows Pepsi's commitment to reaching a diverse consumer base. The "Grills Night Out" campaign exemplifies how a brand can use cultural trends and consumer data to create a campaign that resonates widely.

Welch's fruit snacks: embracing wholesomeness 

Welch’s Fruit Snacks’ “Wholly Fruit” campaign, featuring celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, underscores the brand’s commitment to using whole fruit in their products. By appointing Ramsay as their first Chief Fruit Officer, Welch’s emphasizes quality and authenticity, distinguishing their snacks from competitors that use fruit-flavored ingredients. This campaign not only educates consumers about the nutritional benefits of whole fruit but also leverages Ramsay’s high standards to build trust and credibility.

Ramsay's involvement brings a level of prestige and rigor to the brand, suggesting that Welch's Fruit Snacks meet the highest standards. The campaign also includes out-of-home billboards and a “Fruit Truck” in New York City, offering free samples and further educating consumers about the benefits of whole fruit. This multi-channel approach ensures that the message reaches a broad audience, reinforcing the brand's commitment to quality and transparency.

Gordon Ramsay Photo Credit: Welch's Fruit Snacks

thomas' breakfast: a charming reminder

In its nearly 150-year history, Thomas’ Breakfast has introduced its first brand character, Thom, to revitalize the brand’s image. Thom’s Regency-era charm and quirky commentary serve to remind consumers of the importance of enjoying breakfast amidst the morning rush. This character-driven campaign, “Huzzah! A Toast to Breakfast,” is a clever way to humanize the brand and make breakfast an enjoyable and memorable part of the day.

Thom's character adds a unique and endearing touch to the brand, making it stand out in a crowded market. The campaign spans digital, social media, and TV channels, ensuring widespread visibility. By focusing on the joy of breakfast, Thomas' Breakfast aligns itself with positive morning routines, encouraging consumers to take a moment to enjoy their meals. This nostalgic and charming approach helps the brand connect emotionally with its audience.

ThomPhoto of Thomas' first-ever brand character, Thom. Photo Credit: Thomas' Breakfast

Puttshack: high-tech entertainment

Puttshack, a modern miniature golf and entertainment chain, stands out by highlighting its technological innovations through humorous and engaging marketing. The “Technically, The Best” campaign features Ace Puttman, a fictional founder who amusingly explains Puttshack’s unique features like Trackaball technology and Supertube. This approach not only differentiates Puttshack from competitors but also enhances the customer experience by making the game more interactive and enjoyable.

By using a fictional character, Puttshack adds a layer of fun and engagement to its marketing. The campaign's infomercial style is both educational and entertaining, effectively communicating the brand's unique selling points. This strategy not only attracts new customers but also keeps existing customers engaged and excited about the brand's offerings. The focus on innovation and entertainment positions Puttshack as a leader in the experiential entertainment industry.

Ace PuttmanPhoto of the fictional Ace Puttman. Photo Credit: Puttshack

Purely Elizabeth: savoring small choices

Purely Elizabeth’s “Savor the Start” campaign is a testament to the brand’s growth and commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle. By encouraging consumers to celebrate small choices that lead to larger transformations, Purely Elizabeth positions its products as essential components of a nutritious breakfast. The collaboration with Goop further amplifies this message, reaching an audience that values wellness and better-for-you options.

This campaign highlights the power of small, positive choices in creating a healthy lifestyle. The tie-up with Goop extends the brand's reach into a wellness-focused community, aligning Purely Elizabeth with a trusted name in health and wellness. The multi-channel campaign, which includes TV, online video, and out-of-home displays, ensures that the message is seen by a wide audience. By promoting the benefits of a nutritious breakfast, Purely Elizabeth reinforces its commitment to health and wellness.

honda: dancing into new audiences

Honda’s partnership with Steezy, a dance app, marks the brand’s first foray into the competitive dance community. The “Beat of the Street” video series showcases self-expression through dance, aligning with Honda’s DreamLab platform that connects with artists and creators. This innovative approach not only highlights Honda’s diverse range of vehicles but also resonates with younger, digitally-savvy consumers who are passionate about dance and creative expression.

By collaborating with Steezy, Honda taps into the vibrant and dynamic dance community, showcasing its vehicles in a fresh and engaging context. The video series, which includes dance classes and live performances, highlights the brand's commitment to creativity and self-expression. This campaign not only reaches a new audience but also enhances Honda's image as a brand that values innovation and cultural engagement.

Adidas: overcoming pressure

Adidas’ latest campaign, featuring stars like Lionel Messi and narrated by David Beckham, focuses on disarming negative pressure in sports. By showcasing athletes performing under pressure with the iconic “Under Pressure” soundtrack, Adidas reinforces the message that pressure is an inherent part of sports, but it can be managed. This campaign not only celebrates the athletes’ resilience but also connects with fans who face their own pressures, fostering a sense of solidarity and inspiration.

The use of well-known athletes and a timeless soundtrack creates a powerful and emotional campaign that resonates with sports fans. By addressing the theme of pressure, Adidas connects with athletes at all levels, offering support and encouragement. This campaign also ties into broader societal themes of mental health and resilience, positioning Adidas as a brand that cares about the well-being of its customers.

gatorade: revisiting iconic taglines

Gatorade’s revival of its “Is It In You?” tagline from the ’90s and 2000s, narrated by Michael Jordan, addresses the societal pressures faced by today’s athletes. By highlighting the inner drive that fuels greatness, Gatorade’s campaign resonates with a new generation while paying homage to its legacy. This nostalgic yet forward-looking approach strengthens the brand’s identity and inspires athletes to focus on their determination and resilience.

The campaign’s multi-channel strategy, including social media, billboards, and custom filters, ensures broad visibility and engagement. By tapping into nostalgia and featuring a legendary athlete like Michael Jordan, Gatorade creates a connection with both older and younger audiences. This campaign underscores the brand's ongoing commitment to supporting athletes and promoting the importance of inner drive and perseverance.

Michael Jordan x GatoradePhoto Credit: Gatorade

embracing innovation and connection

The common theme across these campaigns is the strategic evolution of brand identity to resonate with contemporary audiences. By leveraging celebrity endorsements, innovative technologies, and compelling storytelling, these brands are not only maintaining relevance but also deepening their connection with consumers. As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, these campaigns demonstrate the power of adaptability and creativity in building lasting brand loyalty and engagement. This continuous evolution not only allows brands to stay relevant but also to anticipate and shape consumer trends, ensuring they remain at the forefront of their respective industries.

In a world where consumer preferences are constantly shifting, the ability to innovate and connect on a personal level is crucial. These campaigns show that by understanding their audience and leveraging modern marketing techniques, brands can create meaningful and lasting relationships with their customers. Whether through nostalgic callbacks, technological advancements, or engaging storytelling, these brands exemplify the future of marketing—one that is dynamic, inclusive, and deeply connected to the consumer experience.

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