5 Tips To Make Your Brand Appealing To Top Social Media Influencers


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Draw Top Influencers Toward Your Brand Today

Welcome to the world of social media influencers, where relatable and authentic personalities meet the power of digital marketing. As a brand, you know that reaching new audiences and building brand awareness is crucial for success. And that's where influencers come in. Social influencers are the celebrities of the younger generations and appeal to today's youth and millennials through social media, sharing their experiences, and coming off " relatable." 

These influencers have a significant impact on their followers, particularly when it comes to fashion and taste. For brands, collaborating with social influencers can be an effective marketing strategy to reach new audiences. However, building a strong relationship with an influencer can take that endorsement to the next level. Hollywood Branded's blog post offers five tips to help you make your brand more appealing to top social influencers and attract greater consumer attention.

5 Tips To Make Your Brand Appealing To Top Social Media Influencers - 10.17.22

1. Attract Social Influencers to Your Brand

To find the perfect influencer for your brand, it's essential to do your research and appeal to them in a way that aligns with their style and audience. By following their social media and researching their followers, you can get a better understanding of what kind of users they attract. This can help you make a more natural and organic connection with them.

The truth is, there are many social influencers out their eager to work, but the questions remains, how for your brand? This might result to your price expectations lowering. Social media marketing begins with you and effort you take to create relationships and influencer partnerships to provide that extra boost to help your brand shine. 

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2. Share and Interact With Their Posts 

Although bigger brands may not need to put in as much effort to get influencers to post their product, on the other hand, smaller brands may have to enter the social media arena with the assumption that they are unknown.

For smaller brands, one of the directions is to generate paid ads. Paid Ads is an excellent way to draw consumers attention but the downfall is that it can get pricey. If paid ads might exceed over your budget, interaction on influencers personal posts is the second best and efficient option. It is a way to gain recondition and spark a new conversation with an influencer. Here are ways to do it: 

  • Comment on their post 
  • Re-share relevant stories, photos, and blog post 
  • interact with potential partners 

social media interaction

3. Thank Your Influencers 

When partnering with an influencer, don't forget to sprinkle in some extra love! Sending a thoughtful gift or two, like additional products from your line or items that complement your brand, can help show your appreciation for their work. Plus, it'll keep them coming back for more! And bonus - it adds a touch of authenticity to their posts.

A natural partnership filled with perks and genuine camaraderie will give your influencer's posts an authentic feel throughout the partnership. When you show your influencers that you care, they'll radiate that love right back to your brand, creating a positive impact that goes beyond just the sponsored posts.

Too Faced PR package

4. Let Influencers Be Creative 

Your brand is your brand but let's face it, no one wants to see a stiff and boring sponsored post! To make sure your influencer's content is engaging and fun, give them the freedom to get creative. After all, they know their audience best, and their unique ideas can help your brand stand out from the crowd. And who knows, their creativity might even inspire your next big campaign! Let the guard go down and let your influencers do their thing - your brand will thank you for it. 

Collaborate and communicate with your social influencers! Embrace the fluidity of social media and don't be afraid to bounce ideas off each other. Your influencers are experts in their niche, so be open to their suggestions and input. Together, you can create a killer campaign that speaks to your audience in a fresh and exciting way!


Here is an example!

DJ Khaled's Snapchat takeover of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. By putting his own spin on the city, he brought in 400,000 views and 25,000 new followers. Trust your influencers - they know what they're doing and can bring a fresh perspective that your brand may not have considered!

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5. Stay Trendy

Keep up with the current trends. Although a photo with your product and influencer might be straightforward, it may not be enough to grab the attention of social media users. 

Stay ahead of the game by keeping on top of the social media trends and encouraging your influencers to incorporate your brand in creative ways that will make their followers stop and say, "Wow, I want that!" Who knows, you might even be the trendsetter of the next big thing!


Power Up Your Brand

Do you want to learn all there is to know about social influencers and their partnerships? Look no further than Hollywood Branded! Read some of our blogs on social brand partnerships below. 

Are you interested in learning more about how your brand can work with social media influencers? Download our insider's guide to social media influencers infographic that provides case studies, rates, and strategies for success when creating a social media influencer program.

How To Connect Your Brand With Social Influencers