GE Harnesses The Power Of A New Kind Of Celebrity Endorsement Ad


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How General Electric Is Renovating The Idea Of Celebrity

GE has always had some great entertainment marketing strategies that set them apart from the competition - for example, their partnership with Jimmy Fallon to produce their branded content, which we wrote about in: "Fallonventions" featuring young inventors on the late night host's program. 

What is most valuable about GE's latest ad is that they are tapping into the general feeling of society right now at at time of social unrest. In this blog, Hollywood Branded looks at how GE is renovating the idea of the celebrity endorsement ad - and what maybe should really make a person a celebrity.

GE Harnesses The Power Of A New Kind Of Celebrity Endorsement Ad (1).png

The Ad

What is important about this ad is that it uses the element of celebrity in a relevant, fresh way that appeals to a wide audience.


The ad asks the question: What if we treated our female scientists like we treat movie stars and celebrities? Millie (Mildred) Dresselhaus, aka the "queen of carbon science," stars in the spot, as paparazzi vye for pictures, streets fill with people trying to get into her lectures, and girls on the street trying to copy her look.

Check it out:



Why It's Relevant - And Important

In our current world, the definition of "celebrity" is changing. Of course, movie stars still get their fair share of the spotlight, but social media influencers, reality TV stars, and YouTube talents are giving them a run for their money.

And brands are running all over the place trying to keep up.

ge-millie-dresselhaus-3.jpgOur culture is also changing, and with the current political climate the way it is, there is a huge push for strong females to be given the attention they deserve. GE has clearly noticed this vibe and is using it to their marketing advantage.

This is also good news for brands - influencers and celebs are everywhere and they are more attainable than ever.

In a time when everyone is vying for the attention of millennials, GE shows that thinking outside the box is a smart move. In fact, studies prove that millennials shop from brands they trust and are loyal to brands they believe are doing good in the world.  And GE is making a move in the right direction.

Looking To Add An Out-Of-The-Box Celebrity To Your Advertising Mix?

Before you spend another dollar on traditional advertising, consider how you can leverage the power of celebrities as part of your marketing campaigns. Our video provides answers to combat common advertising challenges marketers face daily!

Learn solutions to 5 common advertising challenges