Top 9 New Features For Successful Pinterest Influencer Marketing


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Let Me Pin That!

The beauty industry is experiencing explosive growth in the market. With over $425 billion of revenue, it's one of the top choice products that consumers purchase, and the demand for influencer marketing is always increasing!

Now social media plays a critical role in connecting people and products, and we can see this through a number of platforms, especially Pinterest. Therefore, you need to utilize its features and functions to reach a broader audience. In this blog, Hollywood Branded explains why Pinterest is the best platform to connect with consumers and influencers, and we share 9 new features for successful Pinterest marketing. 

Top 9 New Features For Successful Pinterest Influencer Marketing  - 8.23.22

Pinterest Inspo

People use Pinterest to get ideas and inspiration on any topic, but the platform is especially popular among beauty bloggers. And because Pinterest is a social media platform that is very content heavy, it's easy to showcase your products and build an engaged following that could lead to a successful influencer marketing campaign—if done right. 

Check the analytics below:

  • Millions of audiences use Pinterest every day. (431M monthly active users)
  • 95% of users say that Pinterest gives them life-changing insights
  • 89% used it for inspiration in their most recent purchase
  • With over 400 billion pins saved so far, there are endless boards created every day with everything from celebrity makeup tutorials to home decorating advice - no matter what your taste or needs may be! 
  • 6B+ boards created

These stats are phenomenal for an underrated social media platform! Imagine having at least 1% of the traffic mentioned above. That can significantly affect your brand exposure and sales! So, why not trying the features below to optimize your Pinterest account?!

#Feature 1: AR(Augmented Reality) Try on

AR TRY On! allows the consumer to view their experience in real-time to any product from fashion to cosmetics, they want, and sharing their pins is one click away! 

pinterst try on features for influencer marketing

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Simply tap the share option located to the right, or click “Try on” to find different shades. If you like what you see in this virtual "try on," you can swipe up to visit the shop, and purchase the product!

 Pinteest Real-Time Analytics - Make Better Decisions for influencer marketing

Photo Credit: Pinterest

#Feature 2: Business Tools

Regardless if you're running a paid or organic campaign, Pinterest Business has got you covered to understand the traffic coming into your profile. Their straightforward tools can help you analyze what triggers are worth your time, effort, or money.

 influencer product tagging

Photo Credit: Pinterest

#Feature 3: Product Tagging

Product tagging is one of the most commonly used Pinterest features in influencer marketing. With this feature, you will be able to tag products straight to the brand's profile. And aside from the customer experience factor, product tagging is definitely a golden nugget for brands to track how influencers perform in their campaign.

#Feature 4: Creator Fund Creators

On average, Fund Creators saw 2.9x more Idea Pin impressions and 72% more monthly viewers compared to their previous performance – according to Pinterest. 

The company is supporting creators in fashion, beauty, cooking, and travel, who are running their business on Pinterest. By participating in this program, you'll get a chance to receive funding for up to $100K from Pinterest. The application is now closed but you can always check this page for more information and updates.

#Feature 5: Idea Pin 

Idea Pins allow creators to produce content that combines music, video, and other interactive elements like the following:

  • Video recording and editing for up to 20 pages of content
  • Voice-over recording so creators can add their voice
  • Music selection by Epidemic Sound
  • Ghost mode transition tools (perfect for those before-and-afters!)
  • Detail pages for instructions or ingredients
  • Interactive elements like people tagging and stickers
  • Multi-draft save so creators can publish more ideas
  • Export options to share content beyond Pinterest
  • Topic tagging—a publishing feature that helps connect content to relevant interests

pinterest influencer marketing

Photo Credit: Pinterest

#Feature 6: Skin Tone Ranges

With Pinterest's newest update, you can now can add a variety of skin tones on your pins. 


Photo Credit: Pinterest

#Feature 7: Explore 

It is a new tab that helps users to browse popular content from different categories and topics. If you are interested in a particular topic, pinners can find great ideas.

New Call-to-action

Feature 8: Compassionate search 

Pinterest is well-known for its robust search engine system. If you want to reach new traffic on your Pinterest account, you need to add keywords and create a pin in your field that people will search.

Pinterest Algorithm TIP to get found In Search Result!

Keep your images and alt text descriptive to index accordingly in Pinterest. If you're using video, use footage that describes your keywords or mentioned in your voice-overs.

#Feature 9: Pinterest Creator Academy

Pinterest has recently released a new learning platform called Pinterest Creator Academy. It is designed for people who want to learn how to create on the platform and become more effective pinners. 

To wrap up this blog, the most important thing to remember is that you cannot just start marketing on Pinterest without first understanding the platform; otherwise, your content will be lost in the crowd.  

Eager To Learn More?

Need more tips and advice for Pinterest Marketing? Check our related blogs below.

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